Title: Night photos with Toshi
Date: August 23, 2003
Album: Happenings about town
Ken Ferry
Description: The LCD from my camera glows on my face
Title: From Harpaul
Date: June 08, 2002
Album: Harvard Graduation
Ken Ferry
Description: Photograph by Harpaul Kohli. Thanks Harpaul!
Title: Giant Jennifer Attacks Tokyo!
Date: June 30, 2003
Album: California
Ken Ferry
Description: My take on it, I guess.
Title: Giant Ray Gun
Date: July 03, 2003
Album: California
Ken Ferry
Description: Or Peace Pagoda, whatever.
Title: IMG_0972
Date: July 03, 2003
Album: California
Ken Ferry
Description: I'm trying to look tough. ha. Paula's idea, I assure you.
Title: Klein bottle hat
Date: October 10, 2003
Album: Looking for Fall Color
Ken Ferry
Description: A klein bottle is a surface ("two manifold") which has only one side. A sphere has an inside and an outside; a klein bottle doesn't. It's like a rolled up mobius strip.